Bellemeade Power Station

Project Name: Bellemeade Power Station
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Start Date: 2020
End Date: 2021
Project Type: Power Generation
Project Cost: $$
Services Used:
Project Description
The project consisted of two Heat Recovery Steam Generator units with three turbine generators weighing approximately 1,750 tons each, with another 250 tons each of non- ferrous scrap, a large triple fan cooling tower made of fiber glass, two one-million-gallon water tanks, and large water treatment facility, along with ammonia tanks and sulfuric acid tanks, hundreds of feet of cable trays and pipe racks and two deaerator tanks. All portions of the plant were demolished mechanically, except the units themselves which were separated into six sections each by cut and pull method. All of the above grade demolition within the 6-month scheduled time frame. Included with the demolition was the collection and disposal of all universal waste, Freon removal, and turbine oil. Jackson dismantled various surplus items including ammonia tanks, pump motors, valves and controls. In addition to the surplus items sold, were various turbine parts, such as the steam hoods, rotors, and turbine parts in Unit 2. Also dismantled were three large transformers and two smaller transformers, reclaiming and recycling the transformer oils, and salvage of non-ferrous components. All work was done in accordance with all state and federal laws.

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