Equinox Opera House

Project Name: Equinox Opera House
Location: Manchester, Vermont
Start Date: 2021
End Date: 2021
Project Type: Commercial
Project Cost: $
Services Used:
Project Description
The Equinox Opera House was a 4-story wooden structure that was part of the historic Equinox Resort.  Years of neglect left the building structurally unsound and unsalvageable.  Jackson was called in to demolish the structure as an emergency project.  The building was demolished with a UHD excavator with a basket grapple attachment.  All the material was treated and disposed of as RACM.  There were 1- and 2-story structures within 10’ of the Opera House so Jackson implemented protective measures to ensure there was no damage.  Once the demolition was complete, the site was backfilled, graded, and seeded. 

The Jackson Demolition Difference

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