Gorgas Power Plant- Unit 8, 9, & 10

Project Name: Gorgas Power Plant- Unit 8, 9, & 10
Location: Parrish, Alabama
Start Date: May 2020
End Date: May 2023
Project Type: Power Generation
Project Cost: $$$$
Services Used:
Project Description
This award-winning project consisted of the removal of 141 structures, including three coal-fired boilers, which previously produced over 1,166 MW of power. The facility included numerous baghouses, scrubbers, an SCR Building, a 140-ton barge unloader over the river, a storeroom building over a protected body of water, two stacks and various other support structures.

The facility had no railroad access, so coal was shipped to the facility by barges on the nearby river where a barge unloader would handle the coal. The barge unloader consisted of a 140-ton electric-powered material handler that was supported over the river by a bridge island and included upstream and downstream pulley islands. A warehouse building known as the Storeroom was constructed over Baker’s Creek using over 480+ steel batter-piles and precast concrete floor beams, slab, walls, and roofing. Both assets required underwater demolition to remove the structures, piles and caissons to below the mud line.

Prior to demolition, all asbestos-containing materials (ACM), universal wastes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and loose lead-based paint was removed from each structure. Significant dismantling work was required to remove the three generators, turbines and condensers utilizing the existing overhead crane in the turbine building, which had deep 45’+ basements in addition to asset removals including water pumps, ammonia tanks, and other salvaged equipment.

Manual stack dismantling techniques were also employed to remove the reinforced fiberglass plastic (RFP) liner from the 750’ tall chimney and reduce the chimney height to 380’ tall to avoid damaging nearby assets that remained. A robotic demolition machine was used as part of this process working from the top-down removing pieces of the stack down the stack in a controlled manner.

Explosive demolition techniques were used to fell the large, suspended boiler buildings and SCR building and the 250’ stack in September 2021. A second explosive event felled the remaining 380’ portion of the taller stack once the boiler building steel and concrete debris was removed from the basements.

In total the project recycled more than 75,000 gross tons of metal and 30,000 tons of concrete, which to achieve a 98% recycling rate. The project was very successful and recorded over 250,000 manhours without incident. Jackson Demolition received the National Demolition Association’s largest project category Demolition Excellence Award in 2023 for this project’s safe completion.

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