Yorktown Units 1 & 2

Project Name: Yorktown Units 1 & 2
Location: Yorktown, VA
Start Date: January 2022
End Date: July 2023
Project Type: Power Generation
Project Cost: $$$
Services Used:
Project Description
This project consisted of the surgical removal of two suspended coal-fired boilers, precipitators, and associated support structures inside an operating facility previously capable of producing over 1,257 MW of power. Unit 1 and 2 (187.5 MW each) were slated for demolition but Unit 3 was required to operate to support the existing grid while construction of new transmission and distribution equipment was completed. The project included the abatement of friable and non-friable asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and universal wastes within the structures to be demolished. Additionally, the work required disposal of 250,000+ tons of coal ash from the ash silos, bottom of the boilers, and precipitators.

Significant dismantling work was required to remove the two generators, turbines and condensers utilizing the existing overhead crane in the turbine building in addition to the complete removal of Unit 1 and 2 boiler buildings, precipitators, transformers, tank farm, ash silos, intake structure and coal conveyance system which involving numerous critical lifts utilizing two cranes to remove conveyors.

Multiple crews working with large hydraulic & mechanical cranes, man-baskets, aerial lifts and ground support equipment worked from the top-down in a controlled manner. Careful planning was required to accurately calculate the weights of lifts, the nature and location of torch cuts required to dismantle each load prior to being hoisted to the ground. Crews exceeded 50 workers at times over the course of the project which recycled more than 15,000 gross tons of metal. The project was very successful and recorded over 210,000 manhours without a single lost time injury.

The Jackson Demolition Difference

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